Kritzerland is proud to present a new CD release:
The 20th Annual STAGE Benefit Concert
The annual STAGE benefits have been going on for over twenty-five years now – they are always an exciting event, peopled with wonderful performers doing wonderful music. Several of them have been recorded live and released on CD, including the Kritzerland release of Schwartz, Schwartz, and Strouse. We are very pleased to present three never before released recordings, including this amazing tribute to Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Featuring a wonderful company of performers, including Tyne Daly, Marissa Jaret Winokur, Bill Hutton, Valerie Perri, Carole Cook, Dale Kristien, Franc D’Ambrosio, Ken Page, Nita Whitaker, Sean McDermott, Terri Bibb, Karen Culliver, Mary D’Arcy, Anastasia Barzee, Reece Holland, David Burnham, William Katt, Brian Lane Green, Joan Ryan, Leslie Jordan, Valarie Pettiford, Kim Huber, Keith David, Mary Jo Catlett, and many others, many of the performers appeared in the original companies of such Lloyd Webber classics as Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Evita, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Jesus Christ, Superstar and more.
Recorded live, with all the vitality and excitement and, yes, sometimes roughness that goes with the territory. It was a once-in-a-lifetime evening and it’s captured in all its glory on this two CD set.
The price is $24.98 plus shipping. A portion of the proceeds goes to AIDS Project, Los Angeles, and other AIDS organizations. We’re also pleased to offer a special sale price for those purchasing all three titles. Just click on the link.
CD will ship by the fourth week of May – however, preorders placed directly through Kritzerland usually ship one to five weeks earlier (we’ve been averaging four weeks early).
(Click on cover for enlarged version)
• Click on titles below to hear a song sample:
Heaven On Their Minds Michael K. Lee
King Herod’s Song Paul Ainsley
• I Don’t Know How to Love Him Nita Whitaker
Gethsemane (I Only Want to Say)
Sean McDermott
Pie Jesu Suzanna Guzmán with Annie Woods
• Oh, What a Circus Michael A. Ross
The Charity Concert Marissa Jaret Winokur
High Flying Adored Michael A. Ross
Don’t Cry for Me Argentina
Derin Altay, Valerie Perri and Janis Uhley
Tell Me on a Sunday Valarie Pettiford
Capped Teeth and Caesar Salad
Leslie Jordan and Christopher Showerman
• Unexpected Song Kim Huber
Half a Moment Keith David
Other Pleasures Lee Lessack
The First Man You Remember Pat Marshall
One Rock’n’Roll Too Mary Jo Catlett
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats Cats Ensemble
The Addressing of Cats Ken Page
• Memory The Leading Ladies:
Teri Bibb, Karen Culliver and Mary D’Arcy
Jacob and Sons
Joan Ryan
Close Every Door Bill Hutton
and theStephen S. Wise Elementary Choir
and Vocal Ensemble
Any Dream Will Do David Burnham, Bill Hutton, Brian Lane Green and William Katt
U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D. Betty Garrett
with Jamie Anderson, Cliffton Hall and Mark Smith
Only You/Starlight Express
Jamie Anderson, Cliffton Hall and Mark Smith
If This is What We’re Fighting For Tyne Daly
Let Us Love in Peace Joey McIntyre
On the Balcony of the Casa Rosada Carole Cook
As If We Never Said Goodbye Valerie Perri
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
The Leading Ladies:
Teri Bibb, Karen Culliver and Mary D’Arcy
All I Ask of You
Anastasia Barzee and Reece Holland
Music of the Night Franc D’Ambrosio
• Think of Me Dale Kristien